Europe and Working Mens club tour

So we were very lucky to go to Europe last month and also while back in the UK we decided to do a small tour of working mens club gigs.

It all started in Amsterdam where we played at London calling festival , it was held in a wonderful building called the Paradiso. The gig went really well. Then………well then we had 2 full days off in Amsterdam ……..


We then went to Germany for the first time , taking in citys like Frankfurt and Berlin, Germany was really cool and we’d love to go play there again very soon.

Brussels was crazy , they love this little fountain of a boy having a wee, here is a some colored chocolate homages to him


Now before I talk about our working mens club gigs I just want to mention something else we came across on our journeys. This bloke is called SINTERCLAUSS, and despite appearing extremely controversial this is the face of christmas in Holland and Belgium. I hope your as miffed as us…..


So 3 dates in the UK followed one in our beloved Sunderland , one at Bethnal Green and one very special night at Salford lads club in …Salford. It was a real pleasure to play in 3 places and if you get the chance to visit them in the future please go !

A great months “work” was capped off nicely when we returned back to our homes in the North East was to see that we had made the cover off the local music rag, Narc, something were very proud of.

more news before xmas but thanks for checking the blog, and see ya soon.

oh I almost forgot OUR ALBUM COMES OUT FEB 21st 2011
tell ya mates

Frankie x

New York & Japan Tour

To say the last month has been a dream come true would be a massive understatement. Not only did we go on tour round the UK with Summer Camp and finish our album with Edwyn Collins and Sebastian Lowsley but we got to play our first gigs outside the UK. And we did it in style taking in NYC and Tokyo,Japan.


We thought while we were in NYC we may as well do all the tourist sites so we did, Empire state, Liberty etc it was brilliant. We were there as part of CMJ and we played 2 gigs, both were great to be involved with a pleasure to play.


After New York we flew to Tokyo, I was expecting Japan to be a different world and I wasn’t disappointed. The thing about Japan is everything is the same at home but slightly different accumulating into it been another dimension, take this for example there version of Doritos, in a tub and square…


We managed to make our way round thanks to the help of a lovely man named Shigeru, who took us everywhere and then for beers and food every night. TOP CHAP


we played 2 gigs in Japan, one was an in store, the other a gig in the venue beneath the world famous Tower records. We released the Ungrateful EP over there on a special CD so it was the first time we’ve seen our mugs in a record shop, it was a good feeling..


It really was a trip of a lifetime and we cant wait to go back to both, here is video with some lazy edited highlights of what it was like.

Thanks for reading, and speak soon


Frankie xx


So we did a video for our new song “Ungrateful” its release on itunes from the 4th of October. What do you think, pretty snazzy yeah????

It was filmed on location in Sunderland in an old shipyard that now makes Cranes and is ran by a very nice German man called Ralph, who let us use the site for free. So thanks Ralph !!!

Also thanks to the crew that made it happen, and love to Danny and Tim who told us what to do and tried to make us look good, I know you’ve tried your best but you cant polish turds !!

Were off on tour with the very sexy Summer Camp this week, taking in cities like York, Notts, Brighton and that London. Where also doing a show in Newcastle at the Cluny which will be ace I’m sure.

Expect photos and tour Video blog soon, but for now, enjoy “Ungrateful” and don’t forgot to buy it so we can all afford to go large next time where at a service station Burger King !!

Frankie xxx

Reading/Leeds 2010

WOW !!!!

we had the best time at the weekend opening the NME/Radio 1 tent at both Reading and Leeds, thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed it with us… here is a pic or two and a video I threw together of our time there….



See ya soon

Frankie xxx

Extra Extra its August READ ALL ABOUT IT, so far….

Hey so when did we last speak? oh yeah just after Latitude. So This is a bit of a Blog to bring you up to speed with what we’ve been doing.

So since Latitude festival I think the most important thing we’ve achieved thanks to a recommendation from Robbie Knox was to discover the joys and pleasures of the ASWAD SHANDY!!


The Recipe is simple, take one pint glass, Glass or plastic is a personal option, then half fill your glas with LILT the tropical tasting soft drink, then fill the rest of the glass with Premium lager, sit back, relax and enjoy.

Since we last spoke we also played our first oversea’s gig in THE ISLE OF WIGHT, we had a blast of a time there so found it imperative to take a lovely holiday snap to show you all.


However, we are doing something really worth while , we are very pleased and honored to tell you that we are currently working with music legend Edwyn Collins and his partner in crime at West Heath Studios Sebastian Lowsley , I’ve got loads of footage and photo’s that I will pick up but in the meantime enjoy this snap and this teaser video of the fun we get up to when in the famous studio!!


Frankie & The Heartstrings Studio Diary trailer….August 2010 from ,, on Vimeo.

Were playing Summer Sundae this Saturday if that makes since so if your going see you there, if not Reading and Leeds is gunna be ace but more about that soon.

See ya ina bit me auld marra’s !!

Frankie x

Latitude DUDE !!!!!!!!!!

Yeah we had a total blast at this years Latitude festival, it was our first time there but we hope to visit again.

We had a fantastic weekend so firstly we must thank Mr Huw Stephens for asking us to headline his Lake Stage on the Saturday night.

It was a big milestone for the band and Im glad the crowd seemed to enjoy it as much as we did…

Oh and thanks to Sir Paul Heaton for introducing us on stage, what an honor !!!

heres a quick video I did for the Latitude website on the Saturday….

Speak soon

Frankie x

Glastonbury Tour Diary

We had an absolutely brilliant time at Glasto , I took my camera for a classic Heartstring tour diary experience here is just some of the stuff we got up to……

Frankie & The Heartstrings Glastonbury 2010 - Tour Diary from ,, on Vimeo.

Frankie x x x

Glasto NME Video

Im gunna do my own video diary from our time at Glasto but in the meantime, here’ our interview we did just after coming off the Park Stage on Saturday afternoon, with the lovely guys from NME……..

Frankie x

September / October UK Tour!

Not everyone gets to go around the country comparing travel lodges and having people say pleasant things about you. Unless you’re a backbench member of the green party or……..You’re in Frankie & The Heartstrings.

Luckily for us, we all happen to be in said band. We are currently putting the finishing touches on the album of the decade. After that we all enter into a Rocky style training montage to deliver the goods the masses. Frankie has been bench pressing 3 crates of hair product every other day. Michael can count up to 33 almost without incident. Cuthbert can open a slab of cans with his toes. Dave is currently walking without the aid of sticks and Pete has had that unsightly growth removed from well……almost everywhere.

So if you like your Pop Music buff. then Bobs y’aunties live in lover. We got new songs, old songs, sad songs and big gongs!

We also have the hottest tamales this side of Ipswich coming along for the ride. They call themselves Summer Camp….which is French for Proper bang tidy!

The dates are:
30 - Jam, Brighton (tickets)

01 - Lexington, London (tickets)
02 - Brudenell Social Club, Leeds (tickets)
04 - Clwb Iforbach, Cardiff (tickets)
05 - Deaf Institute, Manchester (tickets)
06 - Stereo, Glasgow (tickets)
09 - Cluny, Newcastle (tickets)
10 - Stealth, Nottingham (tickets)

Oh, most tickets go on sale tomorrow by the way, but there might be a few knocking around now

Yep, that should do it lads.


Yes its that time again, where the nation gets behind 11 supermen and one very highly regarded manager only to see them knocked out in a heartbreaking fashion normally around about the quarter final stages. I love it when news channels have interviews with people from the National Grid to find out how many kettles were switched on at half time during England’s crucial fixtures…

anyway were all looking forward to it and for are regular opinion on the soccer follow us on twitter for in game analysis as its happening !!! www.twitter.com/frankiestrings

so this is what we think will happen…..

Player of the tournament,Rooney
England to achieve,Semi’s
One to watch,haven’t a clue

Player of tournament,Messi
England to achieve,Quarters
One to watch,Joe Cole

Player of the tournament,Messi
England to achieve,Quarters
One to watch,Christian Eriksen
Also, Looking forward to seeing how Buffon accessorizes

Player of the tournament,David Villa
England to achieve,Semi’s
One to watch,Luis Fabiano

Winners,Man United
Player of the tournament,Gazza
England to achieve,Peace
One to watch,Roberto Baggio

so thats what we think, lets sit back, crack open a can of pale ale and open a bag of triangle shaped corn chips, maybe some salsa on the side, heres to England and heres to a great next few weeks !!!!

Frankie x

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